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Plomadas tipo Pirámides invertidas para pesca de orilla y muelle.


Disponible en 100g, 125g, 150g, 175g, con colas medianas de acero de tamaño mediano.


Durante muchos años, este ha sido nuestro Sinker favorito para el Otoño y el Invierno, cuando salimos a la pesca de Corvinas o de Red Fish (también conocido como Bull Reds) en las Playas de la costa de Texas,

desde (McFaddin National Wildlife Refugee, Red Drum Point en Matagorda, Big Shell, Little Shell Playas en La Isla Del Padre, hasta La Pesca Tamaulipas, por nombrar algunos lugares) cuando se usa una forma de pesca llamada localizador de pesces, los cebos o carnadas y anzuelos se mueven en una manera de pesca lenta en busca de peces.



Si usted es ese tipo de pescador como nosotros al que le gusta la pesca a larga distancia y la busqueda de los peces en los lugares correctos en los lugares de estructura a las orillas de la playa como cortes, bordes, rasgaduras, cuencos, agujeros y no siempre le gusta clavar su caña(s) en espera a que ojala los pesces vengan a ti tal vez vale la pena intentarlo se lo recomendamos.



Fabricado con los mismos materiales de alta calidad y alta resistencia que hemos aprendido a dominar.


Su mera forma


  • Le permite enterrarse fácilmente en fondos arenosos y fangosos blandos.
  • Le permite rodar lentamente en condiciones más turbulentas y de marea alta.
  • Es una excelente opción para los casos en los que se requiere un lance a larga distancia cuando los peces muerden más allá de la segunda barra y se prefiere que la presentación de su carnada se mueva lentamente por el fondo para cubrir más área (buscador de peces).


En comparación con las plomadas regulares tipo Pyramid y Hurricane.


  • Sobresale en corrientes más pesadas en cualquier condición de la superficie del fondo.


  • Tiende a enterrarse más rápido en superficies inferiores más blandas y en fondos más duros tiende a rodar mucho más lentamente.


  • Tiende a engancharse mucho menos gracias a su forma de pirámide invertida doble "puntiaguda".


  • Su forma de cuerpo hace que sea mucho más fácil para ti sacarlo de la arena mientras mueves el carrete un par de veces para remover la arena del cebo mientras mueves la presentación del cebo en busca del pez.


  • Al final del día, tu espalda y hombros te lo agradecerán después de no tener que pelear con esa cara plana que tienen los otros plomos (Créanme, lo sabemos).

Plomadas Tipo Piramides Invertidas


Opiniones sobre nuestros productos

la calificación promedio es 3 de 5, basada en 150 votos, Calificaciones de productos

98% recomendado

¡Gracias por darnos su opinión!



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Glad to have found your site

Glad to have found the only place to sell it in the US.
The name says it all, it's a great product to make outstanding working bait presentations, especially if you intend to cast them hard and far away,


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Amazing Glow

Purchased these sinkers for some night fishing trip on the beach, I was thinking they were just some kind of cool looking fishing weight to have, but let me say that these sinkers performed great for me on a rather dark night, their glow does give you a way for you to see where your bait is going and if that wasn't enough the rig with the glow sinker did manage to catch the most fish for that night.

El Argentino

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These sinkers do fly!

Purchased a full set to have a good variety of weights, where I come from we fish with clip down rigs and believe me these things are like an arrow they go the distance and some.


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Worth every penny!

Excellent customer service.
Purchased a mixed set after reaching out and asking questions so that I could understand exactly how they work, my package arrived quickly, and they were very well packaged
They aren't cheap, but they sure are worth it, especially since they are so easy to retrieve


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Really like the 12oz

I use them to fish for shark off the beach in Florida, they have been doing a fantastic job keeping our baits in place at 200+ yards.
They really make a difference when reeling them in, legs fold away and that funky shaped tail does seem to lift them off the bottom, and they reel in super easy when compared to other spider weights.
They quickly became my go-to surf fishing weights when dropping baits off for those closer to shore baits.
Definitely recommend them, and they arrived fast, plus customer service is top-notch they really care about their customers.


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Extremely pleased with products, these sinkers really hold the bottom with a big bait when others just roll, even on strong currents.
Will definitely keep using these sinkers, after months of use they haven't failed me yet.


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Excellent customer service

Purchased items work and cast just as described, and my package arrived quickly.


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Pleased with my purchased items

This surf casting weights do cast really well.
They also hold bottom like a dream, even in strong surf currents.


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Worth every penny

Purchased a couple of these just to give them a try, and to my surprise they hold very well under strong currents, even the small 2oz weight does a fantastic job holding my bait in place with a good-sized piece of bait on our light rod.


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Love them

Purchased some of these for a surf fishing trip, and I will say that they exceeded my expectations. They hold just as good as any other surf weight, but they make a world of difference on the retrieve, they are all I use now for surf fishing


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Satisfied customer

I really like its design, the hook stays locked in place during the cast and they haven’t failed me a single time and on top of that they are a lot easier to store compared to my other claw fishing weights


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Great Products

Good products that do specifically what they are meant to do, achieve distance and hold bait on bottom.
Great customer service.

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